Review the information on our RRCA Championship Event Series page, including the branding and sponsorship sections.

"*" indicates required fields

Championship Designation

Select the desired RRCA Championship designation:*
You may select one or more options, but only one designation will be awarded per distance for the event.

Event Information

RRCA does not grant Championship status to first time events.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
In the following format mm/dd/yyyy
If yes, please specify other distances. If no, leave blank.
If you have multiple distances associated with your event, ONLY specify the expected number of participants in the desired championship event.  Provide a round number of expected participants, ie 550 instead of 500-600.
If a trail race, leave blank. If course certification is pending, write "pending."  You come back and updated your certification number later. Events DO NOT have to have a USATF sanction to be considered for the RRCA Championship series.
Outline if you will host challenged athlete and/or non-binary division for awards. How do you engage your community to increase diversity in your event?

Shipping Information for Sponsored Items

Race Director Name*
Shipping Address for Sponsorship Items (Medals, Bibs, etc.)*
I verify that my organization is a current member of the RRCA*
Only RRCA member clubs and events may bid for an RRCA Championship designation.

Sponsorship Information

Email [email protected] if you would like awards for challenged athletes/non-binary open divisions if awarded the designation.
See the "Gatorade Sponsorship" section of here to learn about requirements to receive this product
See a template for the design of the bibs under the "Championship Awards and Bib Sponsorship" section here Edits to the template may require events to cover that cost.
For example - 1-500.  The RRCA will provide a small overage for bib orders based on your expected number of participants outlined above.
MM slash DD slash YYYY

Event Philanthropy

Will you donate race proceeds to the RRCA in support of: Kids Run the Nation Grant Fund, the RunPro Fund, or Annual Fund?*
Please note $100+ is appreciated in exchange for the sponsorships provided by RRCA.
Will your event donate complimentary entries for the following?
Check all that apply
Our goal in collecting this information is outline our collective social impact through the events involved in the RRCA Championship Event Series. If your event is organized as a nonprofit 501c3 organization and all proceeds stay with the organizing event or club, please include estimated net profits, as this is part of the overall fundraising support for the RRCA Championship Events.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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